worship service

Dear DCC Church Family –

For the last few weeks, we have requested that you pray for our process of planning for regathering as a church body.  Thank you for continuing to appeal to the Father for wisdom in moving forward.  Here’s an update on where we are in that process.

On May 6, the DCC executive leadership team formed a “Regathering Task Force” made up of members of the DCC family representing a cross-section of ages and stages, including both staff and volunteers, medical professionals, and ministry leaders.  A first draft plan for regathering was outlined and is currently under review.  This plan integrates guidelines and rules set down for us by local, state, and federal governments, and the information you shared with us through the recent regathering survey.  With new information coming almost daily, the plan continues to be adjusted as we learn more.

In addition, members of DCC’s Facilities Ministry are working to prepare the building for regathering, and to obtain the necessary personal-protective-equipment (PPE) we will need once the building opens.  We are also continuing to investigate ways to improve the Sunday worship live stream as we believe it will be an essential piece of any phased regathering plan.

Please know, it is our desire to gather together as soon as we are able.  The safety and health of the church family is our highest priority.  We trust in God’s sovereignty through this, and believe He will give us the wisdom and resources needed to plan our regathering as we do our part in loving one another by working to protect the most vulnerable.

Finally, in addition to requesting your prayers, we would ask for your continued patience.  As a church family, you have shown through your survey responses that we are a people with varying opinions and thoughts on the current COVID-19 emergency, and on this regathering process.  We expected that, and we are thankful to God for the privilege of serving alongside such a diverse body.  It is that diversity, however, that must submit itself in love to care, not only for our own interests, but to the interests of others (Philippians 2:4).  We appreciate how you have done that so far.  We encourage you to continue doing that more and more (1 Thessalonians 4:1).

Thanks again for your patience, encouragement, input and prayers during this season.

The DCC Elder Council